Happy Endings

Buddy and Lucky

Buddy and Lucky are two of eight cats we took in  as owner had to go into a long term care facility. Bonded brothers. They were finally adopted together!

Kai,Ben,Felicia and Vinchinzetta

Kai,Ben, Felicia and Vinchenzetta’s mother rejected them as wee babies.They came to FFL for bottle feeding. Weaned and now have been adopted in pairs!


Ariel was one of Sweet Peas  7 Kitten. She delivered just hours after being rescued. Received this update. So happy in her new home!

Arianna,Gadget,Sherman and Sadie

Arianna,Gadget,Sherman and Sadie’s mom Sweet Pea was an outdoor stray. Shortly after being rescued she delivered 7 babies. These four have now all been adopted!

Mischief (Scruff)

Scruff came to us recently with a broken foot. Found wandering the streets of Belleville.  We addressed his broken foot and Neutered him. We were also able to locate his owner. He is now back home.


Dwight’s mom was a pregnant Stray. She delivered 7 babies just hours after being brought inside. Kittens now weaned.  Dwight has been weaned and has now been adopted!


Marleau was rejected by his mom as a wee baby. He came into out foster system to be bottle fed. Weaned and adopted. Shown here in his new home with his new big brother and doing well!

Sadie and Gadget

Sadie and Gadgets mom was a pregnant Stray. She delivered 7 babies just hours after being brought inside. Kittens now weaned. Sadie and Gadget have now been adopted!

Sianna and her 6 Babies

Sianna and her babies were being given away on a yard sale site. They were all surrendered to Fixed Fur Life. Babies weaned and now all adopted. Sianna will be Spayed and also adopted!


Benny’s owner was no longer able to care for. He was surrendered to FFL. He has now been adopted!


Tippy whose owner came to us awhile ago. She was Spayed by Fixed Fur Life and waited quite sometime for a home. She was finally adopted. Shown here in her new home settling in nicely!

Frosty, Jack and Clover

Frosty, Jack and Clover were 3 teenage siblings living outdoors. They came to Fixed a Fur Life and were quite happy to be inside. They were Spayed and Neutered by a Fixed Fur Life and have now been adopted!


Gabriel is a senior declawed boy whose owner could no longer care for. At that point he was taken to a barn. We were eventually contacted and asked to find him a home out of the barn environment. Once with us Gabriel began to decline after a few weeks. Turns out he is a Diabetic.  Medical intervention followed as he went into a crisis state.  After treatment he stabilized and  we are happy to report he has now been adopted!

Smokey and Jack

Smokey and Jack are bonded brothers whose owner had to go into a long term care facility.  They have now been adopted together!


Miss Lolly was adopted in 2010 from a shelter. We picked her up up as a stray this past July. She had a microchip and we were able to track her owner who stated he no longer wanted her. Since she has been with us she has had a full geriatric blood work up ( all normal), feline testing for FIV/ leukaemia (negative), vaccinations and dental work. She is extremely sweet! Will run to you when you call her name. 💕 ‘s to cuddle. She has now been ADOPTED!

Checkers and Domino

Checkers and Domino came to Fixed Fur Life as wee little ones living out in the cold. They suffered initially from an upper respiratory infection. After many weeks they recovered. They were fixed and have been adopted together.

Prince and Tippy

Prince and Tippy's owner could no longer care for.  Spayed and Neutered by Fixed Fur Life. Both have now been adopted.


Hobbes Hobbes living outside.  He was rescued from the cold and brought to Fixed Fur Life.  He was neutered and has now gone onto his new home!


This 12 year old little cutie was  looking for a home to spend his retirement as his owner could no longer care for him. He has now been adopted!


Update on Spot - Shown here many months post adoption. A huge improvement in his appearance. When he first came he was infested with fleas, skin was irritated and he was badly matted. Now look at how handsome he is!