Happy Endings


Wilburs mother Willow came to us pregnant and nursing teenage kittens. She then delivered 8 more babies. Rest assured Willow will be spayed prior to adoption.  Wilbur has been adopted with his sister Bianca.


Bob came to Fixed Fur Life as a stray kitten. On Admission the vet believed he had suffered a head injury. After a few weeks of treatment he bounced back and has now gone on to his new adoptive home.

Charlie Bear

Charlie Bear came to FFL as owner could not care for.  He has now been adopted!


Fiona came to FFL as owner could not care for.  She has now been adopted!


Norman the little guy who came to us with a severely fractured leg that had to be amputated shown here in his new home with his new canine best friend.

Nate and Nellie

Nate and Nellie were taken in as stray kittens trying to fend for themselves outdoors. They have now been adopted together and have gone onto their new home.


Simon came to Fixed Fur Life with his siblings. Owner was not able to care for. FFL will be spayed their momma.  Simon was neutered by FFL and has now been adopted.


Gabriel   came to Fixed Fur Life as owner not able to care for. FFL will be spayed their momma who remained with her owner.  Now neutered and has gone onto his new home.


Cricket came to Fixed Fur Life as a stray with her babies. VERY sweet and very protective of her babies. They have all been adopted. She was spayed by FFL and has now gone onto her new home.


An update on Speedy. Speedy came to Fixed Fur Life as his  owner was about to have him euthanized due to “aggressive Behaviour”. On Admission he growled and hissed and we were not able to get near him as he was so scared and appeared traumatized. There was something so vulnerable about his demeanour. As we worked patiently with him he gradually started to come around. We eventually found a home with an animal loving couple who also were willing to be patient and give him time. He is still doing well many months post adoption. So folks never judge a book by its cover. Try to look past the scared, hissy demeanours that some cats show and give them that chance of a loving environment.


Rocky’s senior owner was no longer able to care for him. He has now      found a new home with another fellow Shitzu.  

Ralph, Rosie and Bazoo

Ralph,Rosie and Bazoo came to Fixed Fur Life with their siblings and mothers who were pregnant strays. They have all now been adopted and mothers have been Spayed.

Felix and Sabrina

Felix and Sabrina came to us separately on the same day both from different situations. What they both had in common is that they were the same age and they were both alone outdoors trying to survive. We put them together and Voila they formed a bond. They have now been adopted together and have gone onto their new home.

Moose and Goose

Moose and Goose are two of Poppy’s babies. Poppy’s story Poppy came to us with an injured leg. The morning after taking her in we found that she had become bagged up with milk which meant she had been nursing kittens.  Back out we went and after two days with the help of mom were able to track five babies down in an old abandoned car. After many trials and tribulations we were able to catch all 5. Moose and Goose went through weeks of intensive treatment for an upper respiratory infection. As you can see all resolved and they have now gone onto their new home.


Charlie is a 6 year old male neutered and declawed boy whise senior owners could no longer care for. He has now been adopted and has gone onto his new home.


Lars’s pregnant mother was rescued from a hoarding situation. She delivered Lars and his sister Tuna safely in foster care. Lars has now gone onto his new home.

Tess and Tucker

Tess & Tucker are siblings who are bonded and had to be adopted together.  Spayed and Neutered by FFL and have now gone onto their new home together..

Burrito,Tanner and Barley

Burrito, Tanner and Barley were born outdoors. Their mother was arracked and killed by a predator. They and their 5 other siblings were taken in by FFL, Neutered and have now gone onto their new homes.

Marlo and Snoopy

Marlo and Snoopy are two kittens adopted recently from Fixed Fur Life. Not siblings and adopted at separate times they have quickly become inseparable. Shown here in their new home.


Norman was a 12 week old kitten who  came to Fixed Fur Life with a severely fractured back leg.  His back leg had to be amputated. A really special little gentleman! He recovered nicely after weeks of rehab and has now gone on to his new indoor only home!