Happy Endings

Howard and Kirk Update

Howard and Kirk were adopted from Fixed Fur Life at different times. Shown here happy in their new home and have definitely formed a bond!

Casper and Blizzard Update!

Casper and Blizzard 2 bonded brothers recently adopted together shown here happy, settled and inseparable in their new home.

Otto Update

Lovely update for “Otto” who originally came to us under the hood of a vehicle. Doing really well in his new home. “He is doing great and we love him a whole bunch. He DEFINITELY keeps us entertained and laughing. Everyday is a new adventure, pulling baskets off shelves to get to his treats, running sideways on the backs of couches like he's got some sort of super power, fetching his DOG toys and returning them to us, playing in his water dish every time we fill it until it's empty again, managing to get his paw under the stain steel trash can lid then sneaking his nose under to get his head right inside the garbage with the lid resting on his head. Every morning helps me wake up my two daughters.. without him my girls are dead to the world.. with him jumping up on their bed, they sit right up, eyes open and ready to love him. We never know what to expect and it's a lot of fun!

Teddy now Tigger Update

Teddy’s mom was a pregnant stray. Happy to share he and his siblings have been adopted. Teddy is shown here in his new home happily settled and loving his new canine step mom! Teddy is now tigger lol, and he is adjusting well. We have  5 kids he loves to play with and our 7yr old English mastiff took him as her baby boy. !”

Yokai now Monty Update

Yokai now Monty came to FFL with his littermates as stray kittens living outdoors. Adopted many months ago. Shown here in his new home doing well. ”He is doing amazing!! We absolutely love him and I have such a soft spot lol. He’s got so much personality but the biggest cuddler”

Linus and Ginger

Linus and Ginger came to FFL as wee kittens needing to be bottle fed. They did well and grew into these two beauties. Very happy to share that they have been adopted together. Shown here in their new home together.

Ash Update

Ash now Brian shown here in his new home looking VERY comfy and settled!


Saul is an approximate 2-3 year old boy who came to us after he had sustained multiple wounds to his front legs and body. He was clearly fending off a predator. His wounds required surgery and antibiotics to repair and treat the infection that had set in. After months of medications, wound care and love he overcame and healed. Very happy to share that he has been adopted!

Holstein, Azreal and Mr Moostache

Holstein, Azreal and Mr Moostache Came to Fixed Fur Life as wee kittens living outdoors. They have been neutered by Fixed Fur Life. We are very happy to share that they have been adopted!


Chester’s mom came to Fixed Fur Life as a pregnant owner surrender. Very happy to share that he has been adopted! Shown here in his new home.


Buddy is a senior boy whose owner could no longer care for as she had to go into a long term care facility. Very happy to share that we found a great home for him. Shown here in his new home!


Nellie came to Fixed Fur Life as a stray.  On admission she was a little quiet and a little temperamental. After working with her for quite some time she turned into a cat wanting human attention. Very happy to share that we have found a home for her.  


Zeus came to Fixed Fur Life has an un neutered Stray. Infested with worms at the time of admission as well as an upper respiratory infection. All resolved he was then neutered. Happy to share that he has been adopted!

Earl Gray

Earl Gray is an 8 month old male neutered boy whose owner could no longer care for. A very sweet, social and affectionate boy. Happy to share that he has found a home!


Phoebe is a senior Torte whose owner could no longer care for. Very happy to share we have found a home for her.

Jenny and Sammie

Jenny and Sammie are two bonded siblings whose Owner was no longer able to care for.  Spayed by Fixed Fur Life. Very happy to share they have found a home together!

Sunny Update

Sunny formerly Bingo and recently adopted has adjusted well in his new home!


Buddy came to Fixed Fur Life as his owner had to go into a long term care facility. Very happy to share that we have found a wonderful new home for him.


Callie came to Fixed Fur Life as a stray. She had an injury prior to coming to FFL which left her with a disabled front leg. This does NOT slow her down. Once healed and Spayed she went to one of our adoption venues. Happy to share she has been adopted!


Starr came to Fixed Fur Life after her owner could no longer care for. Happy to share that she has been adopted!