Happy Endings

Knickers and Gertie

Knickers and Gertie’s  Mom was a pregnant stray. She will soon be spayed and adopted as well. Knickers and Gertie have been adopted together


Cecilia came to Fixed Fur Life as a pregnant stray. She delivered her babies while in our care. Once her kittens were weaned and adopted she was spayed. She has been adopted with the new love of her life Mr Grayson.


Bart one of our Alumni has settled nicely into his new home. Shown cuddling with his numerous stuffies...

Grayson and Cecilia

Grayson was an un neutered stray that we took in some time ago. Once he was neutered we were able to find him a home with Cecilia (Story above) another of our girls. Both have bonded and will live happily together!


Katie came to Fixed Fur Life with her four babies. Look at her cute little ears! Unfortunately due to frost bite. She weaned her kittens and is now Spayed. She has successfully been adopted! No more litters or cold winters for her!


I think it is safe to say that little Ruby whose owner could no longer care for has bonded with her new owner!

Tucker, Tulip, Marbles and Rosie

Tucker, Tulip, Marbles and Rosie came to Fixed Fur Life as their owner could no longer care for. Their mom is being spayed through FFL. These little cuties have now all been adopted.

Teddy and Meatloaf

Teddy and Meatloaf came to Fixed Fur Life as wee kittens after their mother was killed by a predator. They spent a few months with us and were eventually neutered. As they were strongly bonded we made sure that they found a home together.

Cindy Lou

Cindy Lou’s Mom was pregnant Stray. This very outgoing sweet little girl has now gone on to her new home.


Dora's owner was no longer able to care for her. She was Spayed by Fixed Fur Life and has now gone onto her new home!


Toby came to us as an un Neutered stray. He is now neutered and has gone on to his new home

Update on Buttercup

Update on Buttercup now Luna. She has settled well into her new home and a LOVES her new big brother Mr Snugglesworth!

Mr. Hemingway

Mr. Hemingway’s owner passed away. He spent weeks waiting on The step outdoors waiting for his owner to come home. Neighbours would see him sleeping in the front flower bed. Family of his owner surrendered him to us. We had him neutered and found a wonderful home for him.

Mack and Tosh

Mack and Tosh  were found outside wandering a back side road many months ago. No owner was ever found.  Strongly bonded and we assume brothers. Neutered and Approx 7 years old. We were finally able to find them a new home together.

Daisy, Checkers, Batman, Eddie and Gabriel

Daisy, Checkers, Batman, Eddie and Gabriel We are found as little kittens living outside. Surrendered to FFL. They have now all found homes.


Mufasa is a 3 year old neutered boy whose owner can no longer care for.  He has been successfully Adopted!


Hunters owner was no longer able to care for. Neutered by FFL And now adopted.

Ted and Mr Tuna

Ted and a Mr a Tuna came to us as wee babies after their mother was killed by a predator. They flourished and we are happy to report they found a home together today!

Binou now Niblett

"Hi Darlene. I Just wanted to send a note to thank you so much for choosing us to love this little girl. (Binou, now Niblet) She brings so much laughter and love to our home day-and-night. And her Big Brother is even starting to appreciate her lol. She is such a sweet little cuddler and full of beans. My 9 year old puts her over his shoulder all the time and carries her around like a burping baby and she just hangs out and cleans her paws, so mellow. She is the perfect little sunbeam to fill out our family, and I just wanted to pass that along to you.

John, Paul, George and Libby

Libby one of our Fixed Fur Life Alumni wanted to let us know that she has become quite the music connoisseur. She spends most nights in the music room with her new daddy learning about the music legends.