Happy Endings

Rizzo and Frenchie

Rizzo and Frenchie are two tag team  moms who were nursing 7 kittens between them  They had been outside and were desperately fighting off predators who were going after their babies. They have since weaned their babies, been spayed and have now found a home together.

Watson Update

Watson update! This big beautiful boy spent many harsh winters on South Front St. in Belleville. After weeks and weeks and weeks of treatment for his issues when he came, he flourished into this beautiful boy. He was adopted quite awhile ago and we received another update for him today. He is living his best life safe and happy indoors.

Garfield Update

Garfield (Red) now Kirk recently adopted has settled nicely into his new home. His new brother Howard and he adore each other. They cry when they are out of each others sight.

Marmalade and Garfield

 Marmalade and Garfield came to Fixed Fur Life after they had been left in a box on a trail. They did very well after arriving. Once their infestations were treated they were ready for adoption. Very happy to share they have been adopted

Toulou and Tulip

Toulou and his sister Tulip were rejected by their mother . They came to us to be bottle fed and are did really well. Happy to share that they have found a home together!


Little Surrey came to Fixed Fur Life after her mother refused to care for her. Bottle fed she became a beautiful little lady.  Happy to share that she has been adopted. Shown here in her new home.

Jinn now Moose Update!


I hope this finds you doing well. I wanted to give a quick update on our sweet fur baby and send some pictures along. He is fitting in beautifully with the other cats and goes for his first vet visit this week. He has brought such joy in to our lives.
Take care and thank you for everything you do for all these animals.

Ezra, Noir and Doogie

Ezra , Noir and Doogie came to Fixed Fur Life as their owner could no longer care for. FFL paid to have their mom spayed. Happy to share that the boys have successfully found a home together! Doogie as well has found a home.


Very Happy to share that little Otto who was found under the hood of a car blossomed into a very handsome young man once  his issues were addressed. Happy to share that he has been adopted!


Delilah is a 3 year old spayed girl whose owner could no longer care for. She has a very sweet and affectionate personality.  Very happy to share that she has been adopted!

Bella Rose

Bella Rose was left in a box along a trail with her siblings. Once her infestations were treated she was ready for adoption. She was adopted a few days ago. Shown here in her new home with her canine sister.

Havarti and Willow

Havarti (Red White) was one of our cheese kittens that we adopted out this past year. Willow (Brown Tabby) was a pregnant owner surrender. Once her kittens were weaned and adopted she was Spayed. She was recently adopted by Havarti’s family and immediately bonded. Shown here in their new home.

Kiele and Keone Update!

Kiele and Keone’s mom came to FFL as a pregnant stray. Once weaned we were able to find them a home together. Shown here together in their new home. Their mom has been spayed.  

Sadie Update

Sadie came to Fixed Fur Life as a wee kitten. Once weaned she was adopted. Shown here in her new home happy and settled with her new feline friend!

Yokai Update

Hi Darlene!

Yokai (now Monty) is doing amazing. He is the happiest, friendliest kitten and we love him. Even when he sleeps on my head at night. We had the opportunity to adopt another kitten too so he has a best buddy.
Here are some pics! In one of the pics, he’s sitting ON our black lab lol ❤️


Little Mango who as a wee kitten was found in the bushes alone and crying came to FFL for bottle feeding. She did really well and we are very happy to share she has been adopted. Shown here in her new home where she will have the company of two other felines for company… Has already settled in.

Eugene and Sonny

Eugene and Sonny’s mother came to FFL along with her pregnant sister. Both have weaned their kittens and will be spayed prior to adoption. Happy to share that Eugene and Sonny have found a home together.

Tango and Tic Tac

Tango and Tic Tac are a very bonded couple. Their owner was no longer able to care for them. Tango is 9 and neutered. Tic Tac is 7 and spayed. You will often see them sitting and holding paws and never see one without the other. Beyond happy to share that we have found a home for them together.

Jada Update

Hi Darlene,
Just an update on Jada.
She is doing really well at her new home! My fiancé and I love her. My other 2 cats have gladly accepted her. Everyone is getting along. She loves to run from one side of the house to the other. She loves hanging out on the enclosed catio that we have set up so they can enjoy the fresh air outside but be protected.
She also received her booster shot at the vets who said she is really healthy.
I have attached some photos.


Jasmine was surrendered to FFL as her owner could no longer care for. Once spayed by Fixed Fur Life we were able to find her a great home!