Happy Endings


Bridget came to Fixed Fur Life as a pregnant owner surrender. She was spayed and has now been adopted.


Pixel came to us after she was blinded by a puncture wound to her right eye. She then developed a massive eye infection. After weeks and weeks of treatment she was finally spayed. She has been adopted with her new friend Bridget.

Blaze and Twitch

Happy Update on Blaze and Twitch. Their mother was also a pregnant stray. They were adopted together. Shown here as the beautiful adults they have grown into.

Artemis and Felix

Artemis and Felix came to Fixed Fur Life as wee stray kittens. Just  received and update. Shown here happy and healthy and loved in their new home many months later.

Max and Peanut

Max and Peanuts mom was a pregnant stray. Mom has since been spayed. Max and Peanut have neutered and adopted!


Lovely update from MacGregor who was adopted from Fixed Fur Life 6 years ago. He remains happy in his home with his two older sisters!

Chester, Groot and Colby

Chester, Groot  and Colby came to us as wee kittens. We noted immediately that they were bonded Triplets. They Neutered when they were old enough and we are now happy to  report that we found a home for them together!

Sugar and Spice

Sugar and Spices Mom was a pregnant stray. She is now spayed and will soon be going to a new home. Sugar and Spice have been adopted!


Catalina came to Fixed Fur Life months and months ago. Her owner could no longer care for. She was at that time suffering from a horrendous neck wound as well as a severe ear infection.  Days after arriving she delivered still born babies as a result of her infection. It has been a long road for her. We had her Spayed and she has now been Adopted!


Felix's Mom was a pregnant stray. Mom  is now spayed and will soon be going to a new home. Felix have been adopted!

Penny and Pippa

Penny and Pippa were two stray kittens we took in when they were just 8 weeks old living outdoors. They are now 5 months old and spayed. They have been adopted!

KiKi and Mac

KiKi and Mac’ s mom was a pregnant stray. Mom is now spayed and waiting for a home. KiKi and Mac have been adopted!

Hugo and Pete

Hugo and Pete came to Fixed Fur Life as wee ones living outdoors. They have been Spayed and Neutered and and adopted!

WiFi, Google and Flash

WiFi, Google and Flash were born in Foster care. Their mom was a pregnant stray. They have now been adopted.Mom has been spayed.

Beatrice and Gertrude

Beatrice and Gertrude are two middle aged girls whose owner could no longer care for. It has taken a few months but we were finally able to find them a home  together! Received an update this Am "The girls are doing very well.  They are cautious but curious.  They found the litter box & the food & water bowl just fine, didn't freak out when I vacuumed & they both love treats.  I am starting to feel like a mom again.  thanks so much, Janet"

Rose,KiKi,Jada and Meg

Rose,KiKi,Jada and Meg  were born in foster care. Their mom was rescued from a cat hoarding situation. These sisters have all been adopted. Mom will be spayed soon and adopted as well.

Bluebell and Billie

Blue Bell and Billie came to Fixed Fur Life as owner could no longer care for.  After many weeks of looking they have finally been adopted.


We were asked by Goldie’s owner to help find her a home as she was in an environment that did not suit her. She needed to be in a quiet home with no other pets or children. That home was found and she has now been adopted.

Murphy,Domino,Wilbur and Pepita

Murphy,Domino,Wilbur and Pepita were results of pregnant Strays that we took  took into our care. Moms have been spayed and adopted and these boys have been adopted as well!

Update on Willow

I just live getting updates. Willows owner could no longer care for. We ere able to find him an amazing home. Shown here Quite settled and happy!