Happy Endings


This is Dancer (we didn't change her name). My son and I adopted her in November 2018. She's almost 2. When i picked her up the day we adopted her through Fixed Furlife, I was told that she was rescued by Darlene at the Farmer's market as someone had Dancer and her sister Oreo in a cardboard box with a sign saying "free". Dancer has NEVER hissed, she loves my older cat Daliah and her meow still sounds like a really young kitten. Thank you Fixed Furlife for all that you do and for allowing us to adopt this sweetheart. She's a great fit for my home.

Gracie and Frankie

Gracie and Frankie are two year old bonded sisters whose owner could no longer care for. Both Spayed. We were able to find them a home together. They have settled into that new home nicely!


One of your first rescues! Dharma and her brother Greg were found as 8 week old kittens in a snowbank in Tweed. Dharma lived a long and happy life and passed at the age of 20. 💕


Mugsy’s owner could no longer care for. He and his mother and siblings came to Fixed Fur Life. He was neutered by us and has now successfully found a home!

Update on Milo

This is Milo ❤ I adopted him through Fixed Fur Life when he was just 5 months old.. He actually chose me first.. I couldn't resist his charm.. He's a little stud ☺ He's "the cat that acts like a dog".. Loves belly rubs, play time and he loves to fight my husband for a spot in our bed.. lol.. He just turned 8 yrs old and he's still just as glorious ❤


Hawks owner could no longer care for. He came to Fixed Fur Life where is was finally neutered. He has been adopted and has gone off to his new home!

Update on Zizabon

Zizabon was found as a stray with a head/jaw injury. Her rescuer brought her to Fixed Fur Life who in turn covered her care and vet bills. She is now good as new and enjoys life with Queenie and Vincent Purrice. 💞


Charlie came to us with his mom and 3 siblings. They had been living outdoors in this cold. Rescued and brought to Fixed Fur Life. He has now been adopted. He has been adopted and has gone onto his new home.

Update on Rusty

This is Rusty (formerly Chester) doing 2 of his favourite things...being adorable, and cuddling with his 16+ year old sister Ivy ! We were lucky enough to adopt him from Fixed Fur Life via Trenton Pet Valu this January. He has settled in with our 4 other cats, 2 dogs, and 2 bunnies perfectly and we are so grateful to have him with us. Thank you Fixed Furlife Quinsey 😻


Little Skooter came to us with his mom and 3 siblings. They had been living outdoors in this cold. Rescued and brought to Fixed Fur Life. He has now been adopted. Shown here settled and Happy in his new home!

Update on Dutches

  About 3 years ago, Duchess came into my life from FFL. You named her correctly as she reminds me daily she is a Royal :) We are blessed that you find and take in these cats and kittens and direct them to their forever homes


Lilah came to Fixed Fur Life as a teenager nursing kittens. Her babies have all weaned and been adopted. Lilah is now Spayed and has been adopted!

Update on Queenie

Thank you for rescuing Queenie (Mouse). She had been left in an apartment after her owners moved out. Neighbours heard her cries for help (after who knows how long!) and FFL stepped in to save her.

Patches and Lady

Patches and Lady are two sisters nursing their kittens together. Rescued from a home that was over run with pets. Both weaned their kittens and were both spayed. They have both been adopted.

Update on Miss River

Miss River was found in a ditch by a river, pregnant, blind and near death. Today she is feisty , happy and loved. Forever grateful to FFL and everyone involved in her rescue.


Matilda came to Fixed Fur Life as a kitten who was attempting to live outdoors in this cold.  Very shy initially but in time she turned into a very happy social girl. She has now gone onto her new home!

Update on Ryker

Ryker! We adopted him 7 years ago from pet valu with Fixed Furlife Quinsey ♥️👑 he’s the biggest gentle giant and is best friends with our chihuahua ♥️♥️

Update on Sonny

Update on little Sonny. He has certainly been welcomed into his new home with his new step siblings! “Photo of Sonny with his Brothers Smokey, Molly(boy) and Sydney. He is a little cuddle bug. Thanks For a wonderful kitten. He heals my broken heart from losing a cat to old age. 🐈”

Update on Ollie and Panda

We adopted Ollie & Panda (listed as Binoo and Patchy patch) on July 28th. As far as I know they were humanely trapped in the woods by a FFL foster mom alongside their sister and determined to be orphans they are settling in beautifully. We were uncertain about bringing home two kittens at once but we are now positive it was the right choice they absolutely love each other and watching them play together and wrestle is so sweet!


Flower and her babies were living outdoors. One day She brought her babies to the woman who was feeding her.  That person brought them to us.  Her babies have been adopted. She was Spayed  by Fixed Fur Life and we are happy to report she has now found a home!