Happy Endings


Katara came to FFL as a newborn with her 5 siblings. Mom had passed away and they needed bottle feeding. They all did well, have been weaned and Katara now Sparrow has been adopted. Shown here in her new home.

Update on Kit Kat

Update on Kit Kat now Gracie.  Received an update on one of our Little ones. Kit Kat now Gracie has settled nicely into her new home and just loves her new brother Oliver.


Sampson came to us as a stray who had been living outdoors. A very affectionate sweet boy.  Now neutered and adopted!

Update on Bonnie and Clyde

Bonnie and Clyde came to us as two bonded strays who showed up one day on someone’s deck. They were so afraid when they first came to us that they literally shook for 3 days. It took us quite awhile to get them to trust us. We were eventually able to find them a home together with two amazing people. Shown here all settled into their home!

Mittens & Kazoo

Mittens and Kazoo’s owner could no longer care for. A Strongly bonded duo. We were able to find a home for them together!


Update on our beautiful “Bear”. This sweet little guy had been suffering for awhile. He presented with an open fracture to his back leg. Open fracture meaning bone was fractured and protruding. This fracture wasn’t recent so he has been out in this cold in I am sure a severe amount of pain. A massive infection had set into the bone and leg beyond repair. His surgery was successful. He was also neutered at the same time. After many weeks of recovery he has now gone onto his new home!

Bailee and Lilly

Bailee and Lilly Came to FFL as their owner could no longer care for. Their mom was a pregnant stray. Strongly bonded we were able to find them a home together!  


Echo’s owner was no longer able to care for. She was spayed after she came to us and has now gone onto her new home!


Buttercup came to Fixed Fur Life as a pregnant stray.. She had a very difficult birth.she had a very difficult birth The first three of her kittens were born breech And she needed extensive assistance with the birth.and she needed extensive assistance with the birth If she had been all alone outside she and the kittens probably would not be here right now. She also took on two more orphan kittens She was a wonderful mama.she was a wonderful mama Once all kittens were weaned she was spayed and she has now been adopted.


Morris came to us as a stray. On admission he was suffering from neck wounds and bilateral ear infections.  An extremely sweet boy. Neutered and now adopted!


Spartacus came to FFL as owner could no longer care for. Such a sweet friendly boy. We were able to find the absolute perfect home for him


Little Lolly came to Fixed  Fur Life as a wee baby with her siblings after mom was killed by a predator. She grew into a beautiful young lady. Now a Spayed and adopted!


This wee boy was just 16 weeks old when a Neighbour saw someone open a car door and toss him out. He then disappeared but could be heard crying periodically. He was finally located and brought to Fixed Fur Life.  He has since been adopted!


Tuncie came to Fixed Fur Life with her three siblings. They were living outdoors in the cold and suffering from an upper Respiratory infection. Resolved with treat. Tuncie has been adopted!

Peaches, Prince Harry and Gi Gi

Peaches, Prince Harry and Gi Gi came to FFL as wee kittens. Very shy at first but after a few weeks we were able to socialize them They have now gone onto their new homes.


Baby came to Fixed Fur Life as a wee kitten. Found on her own in someones back yard crying. She spent many weeks with us and bonded with Peaches another little one in our care. We had Baby spayed and she was adopted with her friend Pea he’s.

Dottie, Rue,Nico and Kota

Dottie, Rue,Nico and Kota‘s mother came to us as a pregnant stray. She delivered her baby safely inside with us. Mom was spayed and adopted. Dottie, Rue,Nico and Kota have also all been adopted.


Saphira's owner could no longer care for. Once she arrived at Fixed Fur Life she was Spayed. After many, many weeks she has finally been adopted!


Marshmallow’s owner could no longer care for. He came to us a neutered. He was then neutered and has now gone on to his new home.he was then neutered and has now gone on to his new home

Tim Bit

Tim Bit came to us with his  3 siblings who were found outside. They were suffering from a “cat cold” at the time. Treated and resolved Tim Bit has been adopted!