Happy Endings


Jack came to Fixed Fur Life with his siblings. They had been who living outdoors. They were approximately 12 weeks old when they came to us. Jack  was  neutered by Fixed Fur Life and has recently been adopted.


Willow is approximately 11 months old. She was surrender to fFixed Fur Life as her owner could no longer care for. She was spayed by Fixed Fur Life and has gone onto her new home.


Jack is another of our recently adopted babies. Born to two feral sisters who had 13 kittens between them. If not rescued by us he would have been untouchable and would have been striving to survive a very cold upcoming winter alongside impregnating every female he could find INSTEAD he is socialized and now living a very good life INSIDE. He has certainly bonded with his new siblings...


We first met Morris when he was brought to us as an un neutered stray. On arrival he was diagnosed with a severe ear and urine infection not to mention his numerous wounds. So sweet even from the beginning despite what he had been through. Once all of his issues were resolved we found him a great home. Sadly that owner recently passed away. Again he returned to us. Happy to report that he has been adopted and will do well with his new family.


Another great “Ruby” update! Hi Darlene, Ruby’s big brothers are taking good care of her! She’s eating well, & socializing, playing with the other cats. She slept cuddled into us all night. Only 24 hrs and so nice to see them all enjoying a cat nap in the sun together, makes my heart melt! April 🙂

Gertie and Knickers

Gertie and Knickers now Stella and Bella recently adopted together shown here settled in their new home!


Dewey came to Fixed Fur Life with a fractured leg.  After many weeks of care his injury healed. He was neutered and we are very Happy to report that he has been adopted!

Josie and Jasmine

Josie and Jasmine 2 of 13 kittens born to 2 feral sisters recently adopted together have settled nicely into their new home.  The moms are scheduled to be spayed in a couple of weeks.


Little Ruby recently adopted has settled nicely into her new home. She was one of 13 born to two feral moms. Moms have weaned and will also be spayed. Ruby LOVES her new momma!

Daisy now Lola

Daisy now Lola recently adopted has settled nicely into her new home and bonded with her new big sister.

Theron and Jora

Theron and Jora are two 10 month old neutered brothers. Gorgeous markings to match their beautiful personalities. Owner was no longer able to care for. They were neutered  by Fixed Fur Life. They have been successfully adopted together!

Knickers and Gertie

Knickers and Gertie’s  Mom was a pregnant stray. She will soon be spayed and adopted as well. Knickers and Gertie have been adopted together


Cecilia came to Fixed Fur Life as a pregnant stray. She delivered her babies while in our care. Once her kittens were weaned and adopted she was spayed. She has been adopted with the new love of her life Mr Grayson.


Bart one of our Alumni has settled nicely into his new home. Shown cuddling with his numerous stuffies...

Grayson and Cecilia

Grayson was an un neutered stray that we took in some time ago. Once he was neutered we were able to find him a home with Cecilia (Story above) another of our girls. Both have bonded and will live happily together!


Katie came to Fixed Fur Life with her four babies. Look at her cute little ears! Unfortunately due to frost bite. She weaned her kittens and is now Spayed. She has successfully been adopted! No more litters or cold winters for her!


I think it is safe to say that little Ruby whose owner could no longer care for has bonded with her new owner!

Tucker, Tulip, Marbles and Rosie

Tucker, Tulip, Marbles and Rosie came to Fixed Fur Life as their owner could no longer care for. Their mom is being spayed through FFL. These little cuties have now all been adopted.

Teddy and Meatloaf

Teddy and Meatloaf came to Fixed Fur Life as wee kittens after their mother was killed by a predator. They spent a few months with us and were eventually neutered. As they were strongly bonded we made sure that they found a home together.

Cindy Lou

Cindy Lou’s Mom was pregnant Stray. This very outgoing sweet little girl has now gone on to her new home.