Happy Endings

Scrappy Doo and Chloe

Scrappy Doo and Chloe are two bonded siblings who were born in a colony on south st. They have been adopted together and are shown here in their new home. Their siblings have also been adopted. Their mom Carmela has also been spayed and is safe inside with us. She will soon be available for adoption.

Barney Update

Barney Update. Barney came to us many many months ago after he had been doused in motor oil and was suffering from multiple wounds. He at that time had to be completely shaved. Shown here in his new home happy and settled. His beautiful new coat that has finally grown in!


Archie is a 2 1/2 year old male neutered boy who was found wandering in an apartment building.  Owners listed on microchip denied ownership.  A sweet little guy who we have found a home for.

Lena and Cammie

Lena and Cammie came to Fixed Fur Life as bonded kittens. Once they were spayed we were able to find them a home together.


Hope came to Fixed Fur Life after her owner moved away in the middle of the night leaving her behind. Spayed by FFL. Happy to share that she has found a home!

Libby and Bridget

Libby and Bridget are bonded sisters who came to FFL as wee kittens. Once spayed we were able to find them a home together.

Charlie Update

Charlie whose owner moved away in the middle of the night and left him behind is shown here settled and happy in his new home.

Lu Lu Update

Lu Lu came to Fixed Fur Life as a stray. Once spayed by FFL we were able to find her home. Shown here settled and happy with her new canine sibling!  


Millie came to Fixed Fur Life as a stray. She was un spayed at the time. Once spayed we were able to find this sweet little lady a home.

Henry and Hanna

Henry and Hanna came to Fixed Fur Life as bonded siblings living out doors. Once spayed and neutered we were able to find a home fir them together.

Phillip Update!

“Just thought you'd like to see these pictures of Philip (now Smudge) taken recently who we adopted December 17th, 2021. He is the sweetest cat and is best friends with our black lab.”

Spartacus Update

“We adopted Sparky aka Spartacus from you in 2020 and we wanted to share with you his latest trick. Also pictures of Sparky enjoying his Christmas tree and presents. He has been such a wonderful addition to our home! Thank you for all you do! “ Merry Christmas Vivian and Rob & Sparky

Cheddar and Cheeto update

“Happy New Year from Ralph & Fred (formerly Cheddar & Cheeto) 🥂🥳”

Nellie, Sienna and Bogie

Nellie, Sienna and Bogie came to Fixed Fur Life when their owner could no longer care for them. Their mother was be spayed with with the assistance of Fixed Fur Life. Happy to share that all three have been adopted!

Scrappy, Cheeto and Joey

Scrappy, Cheeto and Joey had been living outdoors as very young stray kittens. Cheeto and Joey were both missing have of a back leg. Reason unknown. After weeks of treatment they were ready for adoption. Happy to share that all three have been adopted!


Lu Lu came to Fixed Fur Life as a un Spayed stray. She was spayed by FFL. Happy to share this beautiful girl has been adopted!


Joey was adopted from Fixed Fur Life as a kitten. He was returned a few weeks ago as he had developed a urinary issue. Urine sample revealed he had "Cystitis" an irritation of the bladder. After vet assess and treatment we are happy to share that is has found another home with an individual who is commited to his care and will provide the diet he needs.

Munchkin Update

"Munchkins has settled in quite well Loves to lay in the sun in the funniest positions Loves dog toys We don’t have a dog but bought her one as it is bigger than cat toys She drags it everywhere and sleeps with it Love hearing how all the other cats are doing in their homes Thank you for all you do" Laurie

Nessie Update

Nessie was adopted as a kitten. We received this lovely update today. She is doing will in her new home!


"This is Jasper age 16. We adopted Jasper with his brother Joey in 2007 from FFL.  They were 18 months old at the time.  Sadly we lost Joey at the age of 6 but Jasper is still going great at 16. Thanks Fixed Fur Life for all you do. Linda and Steve."