Happy Endings

Update on Bear

Lovely update for Bear and his new sister Freya. They absolutely love each other!

Solo now Gracie

Solo now Graycie is one of 20 kittens and their 4 moms we took in many weeks ago. She has been adopted. Shown here happy and bonded with her new sister Cola in her new home.


Ginger came to us as her owner could no longer care for. She was spayed by Fixed Fur Life and has been adopted!

Little Gin now Archie

Gins mom came to Fixed Fur Life as a stray nursing kittens. Gin shown here settled and Happy in his new home.


Sloan whose owner could no longer care for her was spayed by Fixed Fur Life and Adopted. Shown here settled and happy in her new home.

Archie and Dexter

Archie and Dexter are two of our bottle fed babies. They have been adopted together.


Purdy came to FFL as a stray. Spayed by Fixed Fur Life. She has now been adopted.

Sassy, Bear, Midnight, Gin and Skittles

Sassy, Bear, Midnight, Gin and Skittles Came to Fixed Fur Life with their mother Charlotte who had been taken in as a stray. All 5 kittens have now been adopted. Mom Charlotte will be spayed prior to adoption.

Spritz, Sprocket, Sprout and Sprig

Spritz, Sprocket,Spritz and Spritz came to FFL as owners could not care for them. They have all been adopted.

Solo, Alto, Brio, Gibson and Martin

Solo, Alto,Brio,Gibson and Martin are litter #1 of the 20 kittens and 4 moms we took in many weeks ago. All 5 have now been adopted.


Lydia came to Fixed Fur Life as a teenage stray. It would have been just a few more weeks and she would have become pregnant. Spayed by Fixed Fur Life and shown here on the right in her new home. Happy and settled.

Thalia and Lola

Update on Thalia. Received this beautiful picture of Thalia with the canine love of her life Lola.  So happy and content!

Update on Dash

Dash came to us as a teenage stray. Neutered by Fixed Fur Life. Shown here happy and settled in his new home!


This big beautiful boy came to Fixed Fur Life as an un identified stray. Neutered once rescued. He has now found a home!

Thelma and Louise

Thelma and Louise are bonded sisters whose owner could no longer care for. Both Spayed by Fixed Fur Life. They have now been adopted together.


Matilda came to us as an owner surrender. Her owner could no longer care for. Spayed by Fixed Fur Life she has now been adopted. Thank you Anthony for giving her a home!


Eddie one of the many kittens who come our way shown here happily settled into his new home.

Abraham, Clifford, Pastel, Mushu and JiJi

Shown here are Abraham, Clifford,Pastel,Mushu and JiJi.  Their moms came to Fixed Fur Life as pregnant strays. Once weaned these beautiful babies were adopted. Moms will be spayed prior to adoption.

Abraham and Clifford

Abraham and Clifford obviously bonded were adopted together.


Josie came to Fixed Fur Life as a stray. She was Spayed by Fixed Fur Life and happy to say she has now been adopted.