Happy Endings


Emma another un Spayed stray was taken in by Fixed Fur Life. Spayed and vaccinated and went off to her new home today. Thank you Belleville Global pet Foods for hosting her!


Molly an 8 week old kitten found in the Wal Mart parking lot has been adopted! Thank you Trenton Pet Valu for hosting her!


Missy an abandoned stray came to us with a tail that had been traumatically amputated. Spayed by Fixed Fur Life she has been adopted! Thank you Trenton Pet Valu for hosting her!


Skooter adopted from FFL was born a Hermaphrodite and required extensive surgery. Shown here in her new home on her invisible bicycle. Update sent today Just thought I would share this updated photo of Skooter with you. She is jumping off her new cat cloud we put in our bedroom for her. Thanks FFL for such an awesome best friend.


Blondie a stray little girl was Spayed by FFL; and as a result was adopted!

Teddy Update

Teddy's owner had to go into a nursing home. We received this update re how wonderful he is doing in his new home!


Todd a stray taken in by FFL was taken in Neutered, vaccinated etc went to his new home today!


Kourtni was found under a deck very dehydrated,skinny and hungry. She required veterinary care to re hydrate her and assess her condition. She was scanned and a microchip was found. She went missing over a year ago. Her owners were contacted and they stated they were no longer able to afford the care of a cat. She has been Spayed and vaccinated and is ready to settle into a new home. Kourtni has now been adopted and will be sharing a quiet indoor home with her new mommy!

Emma and Felicia

Emma and Felicia were adopted from Fixed Fur Life many years ago as 2 abandoned kitties. Their adoptive mother has given them a tremendous amount of love and understanding over the years. We received this update today and so glad to see they are both doing so well!!

Hazel and Mizzy

Hazel and Mizzy were 2 of 14 cats who were stuffed into carriers and left by the side of the road. All were fixed and adopted out by Fixed Fur Life. Hazel and Mizzy were adopted together and we received this update today to show how well they have adapted to their new home.


Mango was outside in sub zero temperatures crying to come in. She had been hanging around for over a month. Zero Identification,zero microchip and no one had reported her missing. After 4 weeks of looking for an owner she placed up for adoption and is shown here in her new home. She is happy, Spayed and doing well in her new environment.

Kitten Alumni

Kitten Alumni were all adopted. Spayed and neutered!


Mavis was found as a stray in Belleville trying to get inside in sub zero temperatures. She remained in Foster care with Fixed Fur Life for over a month while we tried to locate an owner. She was not microchipped, had zero identification, was not Spayed. She was Spayed and Vaccinated by FFL and recently adopted. Shown here in her new home.

Snoopy and Hannah

Snoopy and Hannah were left behind in an apartment at just 2 weeks old. Their owners moved a way. Brought to FFL to be bottle fed (Top Picture). They flourished into beautiful kitties (Shown in bottom picture).

Honey BooBoo

Honey Boo Boo came to FFL as a wee kitten of 4 weeks old. Found in a driveway crying she suffered from an upper respiratory infection. After many weeks of antibiotics, deworming etc she flourished. Shown in the above pictures on arrival. Shown below post adoption.

Pippy and Persia

Pippy and Persia (Mother and Un Spayed female will be fixed now that kittens are weaned) have both gone on to their new homes!


Sadie came to FFL at the age of 4 weeks with eyes so badly infected that one had to be removed and she was left blind in the other. (top picture). She spent many months with us gaining strength and basking in all the attention. She was adopted into a home that understood her needs. The household had one other cat adopted from FFL (Pudge) who assumed the role of guide cat. Sadie shown here playing in her new home. She lives likes she has has zero disability and her mom Barb (and sister Pudge) love her dearly.


Jack was initially found up a hydro pole in the East end of Belleville. It is believed that he was chased up by a coyote which are prevalent in that area. Taken to Fixed Fur Life. Neutered and vaccinated he has gone off to his new home today. 231 Label Kitten Alumni - This brother and sister duo were living outside a local Restaurant constantly looking or food (Top Picture). They were taken in by FFL. Spayed, Neutered and adopted. Shown in their new INDOOR home in the lower picture.


For years there have been literally dozens of cats populating the Crystal Beach area. The residents there have taken care of them over the years. The park closed and Fixed Fur Life has one by one managed to take these guys into Foster care, fix and find homes for. Monkey found her home this week.


Shown above is a picture of Jack a feral cat taken in by Fixed Fur Life. The first picture is a glimpse of him living outdoors. It took many months of socialization .The picture below shows him in his adoptive home living the life of a couch potato.