Happy Endings


Scarlet came to Fixed Fur Life as an owner surrender. Her owner could no longer care for her. She had been experiencing painful urination and after a vet assessment and urine sample we were able to determine that  she suffered from Cystitis ( an inflammation of the bladder). With meds and a special diet we were able to resolve the flare up. We were able to find a responsible and dedicated owner who will continue with her special diet.

Update on Cheddar and Cheeto

Thanks Darlene,

The boys are wonderful! They’re still bonded thick as thieves and what one can’t think up the other one does! Their personalities have really come through and they are the most loving little monkeys. This was the very best decision we ever made!
Take care and thanks again for all you do!

Update on Tilly

Tilly was one of our recently adopted kittens. Shown here in her new home with a message from her mom. "Thanks Darlene. She is very loved. Cheers, Stephanie  

Update on Simba

Update for Simba whose previous owner could no longer care for "So far, so good. Simba has gotten very comfortable with us and is enjoying exploring his room in the basement and playing with his new toys. The 2 cats have touched noses without any negative effects. They only seem to be mildly curious of each other. 🤞it continues on a positive note. Simba has an appointment with our vet for Friday next week and I will let you know how it goes. He is very sweet and we just love him 💕 Thank you for allowing us to adopt him! Betty and David  

Tibby, Maribelle, Charlie and Penny

Tibby, Maribella, Charlie and Penny are Roses 4 babies. Rose came to us as a  malnourished dehydrated stray girl nursing 4 newborns.  She and they had severe gastric issues but after weeks and weeks of treatment they all morphed into these beautiful babies. All have been adopted.  


Rose came to us in first pic very skinny, dehydrated and with severe gastric issues and nursing 4 wee newborns. After treatment and weeks and weeks of attention she  morphed into the beautiful girl in the second pic. Her 4 little ones also have done well. Rose was spayed prior to adoption


Angel came to Fixed Fur Life as a pregnant stray. Her kittens have weaned and have been adopted. She has been spayed and happy to share she has been adopted.


Daisy came to Fixed Fur Life as a stray. Happy to share that once we had her spayed we were able to find her a home.


Pumpkins mom Daphne came to Fixed Fur Life as a pregnant stray. She had three adorable babies. Once weaned she was spayed. Pumpkin has since been adopted.


Georgia’s mom was one of 3 sisters that came to FFL pregnant. She was the only survivor of her litter. A very playful rambunctious sweet little who survived the odds as her mom was sick with an upper respiratory infection.  Very happy to share that she survived the infection has been adopted.

George and Gemma

George and Gemma came to Fixed Fur Life as their owner could no longer care for. A bonded brother and sister. They have been adopted together.

Update on Pixie and Harlow

Pixie and Harlow came to us as semi feral little sisters. After many months of socialization they came around. Shown here present day doing well in their new home.

Meow and Domino

Meow and Domino came to Fixed Fur Life as their owner could no longer care for. Both spayed by Fixed fur Life and then adopted together.


Strudel was rescued from the outdoors.  She had been un spayed, Full of fleas and worms. She was spayed by Fixed Fur Life and we are happy to share that she has found a home.

Lenny, Squiggy and Sylvester

Lenny, Squiggy and Sylvester's owner could no longer care for them. Neutered by Fixed Fur Life all three have been adopted.


Joey came to Fixed Fur Life as a 4 week old kitten found outside with an upper respiratory infection.  With care and medications he grew into a beautiful boy. He has been adopted!

The Fab Five

Esme (Eddie),Poppy, Bugsy, Fernando and Piper  came to Fixed Fur Life many weeks ago. Their mother had been an outdoor pregnant stray. They have all weaned and been adopted. Mom has been successfully spayed.


Hello, We adopted Rupert from you in April. He is well loved and is now named Tony Stark. He is doing so good, and is a snuggly part of our family. He truly is an amazing little kitten. His chirp gets us in the heart strings every time. We are absolutely glad he joined our pack. I’ve included some pictures for you, he is the sweetest. He has taken some selfies with my phone, as he loves the camera feature. Thanks again for him, he’s absolutely the best. Martha and family.

Update on Scout

Scout came to Fixed Fur Life with her mother who was a pregnant stray. Her mom Daphne delivered Scout and her 2 siblings just days after arriving.  She has now been adopted and is shown here in her new home.

Update on Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily came to Fixed Fur Life with her siblings and mom who had been a pregnant stray.  Now adopted. Shown here Happy and settled in her new home.