Happy Endings

Peter and Pip

Peter(Gray Tabby) and Pip are two little males we took in many months ago. They were living under a local business. Now Approx 6 months old. Peter has a congenital malformed back leg but that does not stop him from getting around! The boys are very bonded and we are so happy to share they have found a home together.

Mia and Marbles Update!

Hi Darlene: We adopted sisters Marbles (tortie) and Mia (black & white) as wee kittens in September 2017. They've just had their 6th birthday and continue to be wonderful company for us and each other. We love them dearly!  Sincere thanks for all you do.  

Mykah Update

I’m happy to report all is well here with Mykah now Betty.  She’s just the absolute sweetest cat and we adore her.  She plays hard, and loves hard.  She”s the best lap cat ever!

Tibby Update

It is so nice to get updates on our alumni. Tibby now Bandit has grown into such a beautiful boy! His mother Rose came to us nursing kittens and was in such rough shape on arrival. It took awhile to get her and her kittens over the hump. Love seeing the fruits of our labour..

Grady update

Grady Update! ‘We adopted Grady in July last year and wanted to send you guys a little update! He is doing amazing. Such a perfect personality! We adopted another kitten a few months ago and they have become best friends. Our family is complete with these 2 🙂 Thanks again. Madison


Fred came to Fixed Fur Life with a urinary blockage. He had developed cystitis ( inflammation of the bladder) and had a severe urinary tract infection. After many weeks we were able to get him back on tract. He has been neutered and we are very happy to share that he has been adopted.

Anna and Arielle

Anna and Arielle are two bonded sisters who were surrendered with their mother and two other cats. Their owner was no longer able to care for. Happy to share that they have found a home together.


Mykah is a 4 year old spayed and declawed cat whose owner could no longer care for. A petit little girl who Loves to sit on laps and cuddle. Happy to share that she has found a home!


Jasper is a year old Polydactyl male whose owner could  no longer care for. He is a very sweet little guy. He was neutered by Fixed Fur Life and has now found an home.

Brock Update

Brock came to Fixed Fur Life with a complete urinary blockage and severe wounds over his face and body. After many months of treatment, he finally healed, and we were able to find him a home shown here settled and happy!

Misty and Sooty Update

Misty and Sooty now Gabby and Teddy are two bonded kittens we adopted out. (yes it is posssible to tell that kittens are bonded even at a young age). Shown here still inseparable in their new home.

Snoopy Update

Snoopy recently adopted has already settled in and loves his new big brother Koda! Snoopy was surrendered with his siblings by his owner. His mother stayed with owner and was spayed by FFL.

Mr Fluffy Pants

Mr Fluffy Pants came to Fixed Fur Life as owner could no longer care for. Happy to share that he has found a home with another FFL Alumni who loves kittens!

Henry,Howard and Hannah

Henry,Howard and Hannah Came to Fixed Fur Life as their owner could no longer care for. Their mom remained with her owner and has been spayed by Fixed Fur Life. Happy to share that Henry,Howard and Hannah have been adopted!

Luke Update

Luke Update! Luke came to us back in May 2023 as owner was no longer able to care for him. We received this update today . "Luke who we adopted in July from Global pet foods Belleville, has been very happy with us and has bonded nicely with his brothers although he still loves food he has managed to shed a few pounds due to regular play time"

Ricky Bobby Update

Update for “Ricky Bobby” Ricky Bobby (now George) came to Fixed Fur Life after he rode into a local mechanic business under the hood of a truck in an effort to keep warm. Shown here in his new home no longer needing to put his life in danger to keep warm. All he has to do now is seek out his new step sibling for cuddles!

Sampson Update

We received this lovely update for Sampson ” Sampson is HUGE! He Loves people now after lots and lots of patience as well as treats. Will not hesitate to wake anyone up at any time for pets and it’s all around the funniest biggest goofball of a cat I’ve ever met. He is shown here with his sister Jerry, who is also a Fixed Fur Life Alumni.


Our little Luna girl has been adopted. She is a year old female spayed very affectionate little girl whose owner could no longer care for her. A sweet little soul who has a condition called CH or Cerebellar hypoplasia. Cerebellar hypoplasia is a neurological condition in which the cerebellum—the part of the brain that coordinates movement—is smaller than usual or not completely developed. Usually caused by a virus mom may have had while pregnant. As a result she staggers when she walks. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the worst) she is about a  4 or 5. We wish her well in her new home!

Hazel and KiKi

Hazel & Kiki came to Fixed Fur Life as a wee kittens needing to be bottle fed. They did well and grew into these beautiful ladies. Spayed and now adopted together as they were strongly bonded.


Princess came to Fixed Fur Life with her 4 kittens as her owner could no longer care for. She is now spayed.  Happy to share that she has been adopted!