Happy Endings


Dakota or as we like to call him “ Mr Personality Pants” came to Fixed Fur Life as his owner could no longer care for. This very silly playful boy has now been adopted!

Update on Zoey and Joey

Zoey and Zoey are already quite settled into their new home. This is why we keep bonded pairs together. You can just see in everything they do the love that they have for each other!

Update on Spike now Marvin

An update on Spike now Marvin. Mom was a pregnant stray. She was spayed and adopted. Spike now Marvin is doing well in his home and loving his new feline sibling!

Lilly Bean

Lilly Bean came to us as an un Spayed Stray She is now Spayed and has has also been Adopted!

Update on Henry and Hazel

Henry and Hazel continue to be pampered by their Humans. Shown here snuggling in their bed which is strategically placed over a heater vent! They are living the dream!

Momma Mia

Mia was a pregnant stray. Her babies have now all been adopted. Mia has been spayed and has now been adopted!  

Tilly and Shena

Tilly and Shena came to us with their siblings who were trying to survive outdoors. All have been Spayed and Neutered.  Tilly and Shena have now been  adopted together!

Joey and Zoey

We are two young adults whose owner could no longer care for. We were surrendered to Fixed a Fur Life. They noted that we were a bonded pair. We have now been adopted together!


Addy came to Fixed Fur Life with his siblings who had been living outdoors. All were spayed and adopted and Addy was left by himself.  Happy to report he  has now been adopted !


Pepper is another un neutered stray rescued from the cold. Originally thought to be feral by finders but lo and behold now that he is warm inside we have found him to be quite affectionate. Now neutered and now adopted.

Update on Mischa

An Update on Mischa a little stray kitten that we rescued from the outdoors "My girl Kahleesi (formerly called Mischa), came to my work (Pet Valu In Trenton) at 8 weeks old. I saw her and immediately knew I had to have her. She is now celebrating her 1st birthday today, and she's living a happy, healthy life. I love her to pieces. Thank you so much for all you do & bringing my girl into my life!"

Update on Miss Pugs

Received a beautiful update on Miss Pugs today. She is doing amazingly well in her new home. She is down 2 lbs due to her homemade balanced diet. Her new family love her to pieces! She has bonded with her new Canine  friend. Shown here sleeping side by side. What a good  feeling to know she is on the receiving end of such great care and love!

Update on Willow

Update on Willow the little Chi puppy whose owner could no longer care for. She is doing well, growing like a weed and has fit right in with her new family!

Sophie & Selena

Sophie and Selena have been with us since the summer. We have spent months socializing them. Now Spayed. Happy to report they have now been adopted together and will be living in a nice quiet home!


Colby was one of five kittens that we rescued who were living outdoors. We have since neutered him and he has now gone onto his new home.

Update on Luna and Molly

A lovely update on Luna and Molly. Luna a stray kitten recently adopted has bonded with Molly who was adopted from Fixed Fur Life 6 years ago.


Shiloh’s owner could no longer care for Shiloh  and his brother Charlie Both have now been adopted.

Update on Molly and Annie

"Hi Darlene!!! I just took these photos tonight of my two girls from you, FFL!!! Molly was actually born 5 years ago TODAY (February 14th) and Annie (aka Charlotte) joined our family this past summer!!! My girls have two older brothers and we couldn’t imagine our life without them!!! Thank you for spending your free time saving the lives of these beautiful souls...I wish I could take more but my heart is full."


Charlie’s owner could no longer care for Charlie and his brother Shiloh. Both have now been adopted.

Update on Princess

Looks like Love is in the air for our recently adopted Princess! Shown here in her new home with the new love of her life Sir Walnut!