Happy Endings


Casper’s mother was a pregnant stray. He was Neutered by Fixed Fur Life. A very shy boy and as a result he was often overlooked. He was finally adopted out!


21 Nov 2013 - Ellie is a 5 year old female Spayed Calico whose owner left the country and could not take her with them. She is a lovely cat and very affectionate with people but would prefer to be an only child! I was adopted!


Scotty Update - Here is Scotty, an FFL alumni! I adopted him years ago... It was love at first sight! The poor guy had been running around downtown Trenton as a kitten and from what I understand had been in and out of homes for a year or so. The family who took him before I did only had him a day or so; they brought him back because he pee'd on their floor... they didn't realize how... skittish he was, and they had small children. I took him into a quiet home with no kids and one other cat. It was a few weeks before he stopped hiding all day, but over time he blossomed into a great addition to the family He didn't enjoy a baby being brought into his house 4 years ago, and probably won't like this one in a few weeks any better, but he'll adjust. He's turned into quiet a porker! He loves cuddles and treats. He also thinks he's a dog, complete with tail wagging and drooling when he gets a good purr going. Thank you, FFL for choosing us to bring Scotty into our family.

Seargent and Pepper

Two of our Fixed Fur Life Alumni getting ready for the Christmas season. Were adopted together and are doing well. Thank you to the Esterbrooks for the update.

Seargent and Pepper

Two of our Fixed Fur Life Alumni getting ready for the Christmas season. Were adopted together and are doing well. Thank you to the Esterbrooks for the update.


Georgie was an outdoor Stray with zero chip or identification. Here is a note from his new family - After directly going through what it takes to re-home a stray (neuter, vaccinations, etc) it is an extremely expensive process to make sure these little guys get a second chance. So thankful to Fixed Furlife for making this possible!! If you are able to help this wonderful not-for-profit out with a cash donation of any amount it would be greatly appreciated. Georgie thanks you!

Mr. Cattington and Clawdia

Mr Cattington and Clawdia in their new home getting ready for Christmas!

Mr. Cattington and Clawdia

Mr Cattington and Clawdia were living outdoors. Appear to be siblings. Shown here cuddling on a chair outdoors. They were fixed through FFL and then were adopted together.

Willow and Silly Billly

Willow and Silly Billly were 2 strays. Spayed and Neutered and Adopted!


Sammy’s mom was taken in as a pregnant stray. Shown here in his new home.


Bailey was taken in as a stray taken in by FFL. Covered in grease and grime and badly matted. He was Neutered and adopted.

Hank and Hannah

Hank and Hannah were found in a dumpster at just 5 weeks old . Brought to FFL. They were later adopted together and have both been Spayed and Neutered.

Kitten Alumni

Kitten Alumni – Found abandoned with zero mom. All were adopted and all have been Spayed and Neutered!


Reilly was desperately crying to get into a home in Point Anne. He was taken into foster care Neutered and adopted out!

Nursing Mom Alumni

Nursing Mom Alumni – We received a call from a lady who said she had a pregnant cat hanging around and if we did not come to pick it up her husband would shoot it. 4 hours after she arrived to FFL she delivered her kittens. All were adopted and all have been Spayed and Neutered.


Lady was abandoned by her owners when she grew out of her puppy stage. After Spaying and weeks of socialization with one of our foster homes she was finally adopted to a family who gives her the attention she needs.

Nursing Mom Alumni

Nursing Mom Alumni – All were adopted and Spayed and Neutered.


Missy was a pregnant Stray who had her kittens in a milk can. It took days to find her and it was amazing to see her crawling into the milk can to feed them. She was taken into foster care shown here. Eventually she weaned her kittens and mom and babies were adopted. Missy and babies have all been Spayed and Neutered.

Pretty Lady

Pretty Lady was a dog whose owner was going to have euthanized because she could not afford Veterinary costs. She had an infection of the uterus. FFL helped with the cost of the Spay and owner and dog who loved each other were reunited.


Chucky was a stray male who had a variety of issues that need to be addressed. He required dental care. Once resolved was Neutered and adopted.