Happy Endings

Missy and Max

Missy and Max came to us after their owner had passed away and they had no where to go.  It was very obvious that they were bonded.  We were able to find them a home together.


Little Dusty could have been another sad statistic. However because we took in his two moms and 12 siblings he and they are now all living safe indoor lives. Dusty shown here in his new home waiting for Santa Paws!

Oscar and Wally

Oscar and Wally (formally Charlie) came to Fixed Fur Life with their 12 siblings. Moms were outdoor strays. Moms are now Spayed and waiting for homes. Oscar and Charlie recently adopted shown here in their new home.

Fluffy McDuffy and Little Louey

Fluffy McDuffy and Little Louey came  to Fixed Fur Life with their mother Lucy and 3 siblings. Rescued from a farm they spent weeks being treated for an infestation of parasites. Once resolved they flourished quickly. Adopted together and shown here post adoption in her new home.


Truffles canes to Fixed Fur Life with her mother Lucy and 4 siblings. Rescued from a farm they spent weeks being treated for an infestation of parasites. Once resolved they flourished quickly. Truffles shown here post adoption in her new home.


Nice update for little Janie recently adopted. Her mom is Meisha who we rescued from a construction area. She had had several litters. Meisha is spayed and still with us. Janie is shown here in her new home. If mom had not been rescued they all would have been still outdoors trying to survive and well on their way to having more litters.

Mara and Jinni

Another heartwarming story. Jinni and Mara were dropped by their owner stating she could no longer care for them. They are a mom and daughter duo. We quickly  realized how attached Jinni was to her mom. She would cry non stop when she wasn’t with her. We eventually found them a home together. Shown here in their new home. The pictures speak for themselves re their strong bond. An update below

“Good evening Darlene, 

I want to start out by saying thank you for allowing my partner Gerard (and I) to adopt Mara and Jinni. They have been so amazing thus far and have been an amazing addition to his family. I have attached a few  photos to give you a quick glimpse into their new life! They are spoiled! “

Update on Max and Peanut

“This is Max and Peanut who were adopted from FFL in September 2019. They are brothers from Miss May's litter. They bring us so much joy ❤❤❤”

Update on Turbo formerly Stanley

Turbo came to Fixed Fur life with his mother, her sister and 12 siblings. All have been adopted. Moms spayed and awaiting homes. Update received from Turbos new family “Turbo has fit right into the center of our family! He brings us so many laughs everyday and is our son Wyatt's "best friend". So thankful for this little furball!!”

Update on Russell

“Russell, adopted this past July. Rescued and fostered by a lovely lady before settling in with me. My covid kitty.❤”

Update on Cheddar

“This is Cheddar! He’s a year and a few months old. I adopted him last year and he’s been my little sidekick ever since ♥️ More dog than cat, his favourite thing is car rides and going on walks (safe on a leash or in his backpack) with me on the trails near our place. ”

Update on Hobbs

“Larry aka Hobbs king of his castle. We just love him. Mr. Personality galore!”

Update on Lucy

“Lucy - age: 7ish, brought to Fixed Furlife as a stray. Adopted and living a life of love (and luxury!) since 2015 ❤


Another Happy update. Lilly had been living outdoors having multiple litters. We were able to get her last litter and find them homes. She was a little harder to catch but Lo and behold we finally did. Although her previous kittens all found homes we discovered on admission that she was pregnant. She delivered, nursed and weaned her babies. She was then spayed. She has been adopted. Shown here in her new home with her new canine friend bird watching...


Little Leo came to Fixed Fur Life with his mom, her sister two moms and 12 siblings. He has been adopted and is shown here in his new home waiting patiently for Santa!


Little Dusty could have been another sad statistic. However because we took in his two moms and 12 siblings he and they are now all living safe indoor lives. Dusty shown here in his new home waiting for Santa Paws!

Barney, Bugsy and Pete

Barney,Pete and Bugsy 3 of our residents who have been with us forever it seems have now been adopted! All 3 required months of socialization to reach this momentous occasion. You may remember Barney the wee one we rescued from dumpster diving at Canadian tire in Trenton. Merry Christmas boys!


“Gracie Joy (formerly Peaches) was adopted from FFL last December. She just loves the Christmas tree to our chagrin lol🌲🐱💖”

Finn Wilbur and Hope

“My angels Finn, Wilber and Hope. The second two are adopted from Fixed Fur Life. Both had feral mothers who were fixed after kittens and the litters were made friendly and adopted ❤️. “


Violet came to Fixed Fur Life as her owner could no longer care for. A really sweet personality. She was spayed by Fixed  Fur Life and has now gone onto er new home!