Gilbert and Violet

Gilbert and Violet


                                                  Click above link for video
Gilbert and Violet – These two love birds are from the South Front st colony that we rescued. Bonded and each sick on admission now finally reunited and loving each other up.. This is why we do what we do.. Please hear our plea ….

I always hesitate to ask for help simply because we have so many dedicated supporters who give over and over. Recently we began trapping and assisting a group of cats that have lived at a property at a South front st location that no one was stepping forward to help. To date we have taken in 14 of those cats and are working on the rest. I post this looking for a bit of help. While many people think we have an endless stream of funds we have struggled through the last two years of a Pandemic.

From this group alone the needs have been endless. Putting aside the spays and neuters, vaccinations and the usual costs of the basics they have all had issues. Teddys dental alone cost us $2500.00. Gilbert shown in this video will be the same. All have had upper Respiratory issues and the list goes on and on and on….

Anyway we have so many supporters here just thought if everyone gave just a little we could do this!

There are several ways you can participate:

1) You can donate  using the above secure links via Canada Helps or Pay Pal at the top of this page.

2) You can do E transfers to Please note if you send an e transfer include your mailing address so we can send a tax receipt.

3) If you are uncomfortable with the on line route you can mail to P.O. Box 20091 Belleville K8N 5V1