Update on a Marbles and Mia

Update on a Marbles and Mia

From  Marbles and Mia’s owner

Thank you for rescuing Marbles’ and Mia’s mother, Abbie Rose. She was a pregnant stray who had four babies in foster care, so thanks also to the foster parents for providing a home.  Abbie Rose was adopted. Her sons Charlie and Caesar were adopted together, and we adopted Marbles and Mia, the remaining two of the family, in Sept. 2017.  They were 5 mths. old.  As well as being sisters, they are best friends and love to play and cuddle together.  Marbles, the tortie, fetches, which is lots of fun.  Mia replies when I talk to her, as if she understands every word.  These two sweet lap kitties are wonderful company for us and each other, and bring us joy every day.